Multi-Planar UNet
UNet, a simple and thoroughly evaluated deep learning Python framework for segmentation of arbitrary medical image volumes. The system requires no task-specific information, no human interaction and is based on a fixed model topology and a fixed hyperparameter set, eliminating the process of model selection and its inherent tendency to cause method-level over-fitting. The system is available in open source and does not require deep learning expertise to use. Without task-specific modifications, the system performed better than or similar to highly specialized deep learning methods across 3 separate segmentation tasks. In addition, it ranked 5-th and 6-th in the first and second round of the 2018 Medical Segmentation Decathlon comprising another 10 tasks. The system relies on multi-planar data augmentation which facilitates the application of a single 2D architecture based on the familiar U-Net. Multi-planar training combines the parameter efficiency of a 2D fully convolutional neural network with a systematic train- and test-time augmentation scheme, which allows the 2D model to learn a representation of the 3D image volume that fosters generalization.
Paper describing the package
U-Time is a fully feed-forward deep learning approach to physiological time series segmentation developed for the analysis of sleep data. U-Time is a temporal fully convolutional network based on the U-Net architecture.It maps sequential inputs of arbitrary length to sequences of class labels on a freely chosen temporal scale. This is done by implicitly classifying every individual time-point of the input signal and aggregating these classifications over fixed intervals to form the final predictions.
Download U-Time here.
Paper describing the package
woody, a Python
library for constructing very large random forests.
Paper describing the package
for blistering fast
nearest neighbor seach on GPUs.
Comes with a Python frontend.
Paper describing the package
Fabian Gieseke, Cosmin Oancea, and Christian Igel.
bufferkdtree: A Python Library for Massive Nearest Neighbor Queries on Multi-Many-Core Devices.
Knowledge-Based Systems 120, pp. 1-3, 2017
Fabian Gieseke, Cosmin Eugen Oancea, Ashish Mahabal, Christian
Igel, and Tom Heskes. Bigger Buffer k-d Trees
on Multi-Many-Core Systems.
Big Data & Deep Learning in High Performance Computing, pp. 172–180. Springer-Verlag, 2016.
Shark machine learning library is a modular C++ library for the design and optimization of adaptive systems.
The library provides methods for regression, classification, and density estimation, including various kinds of neural networks and kernel methods, as well as general algorithms for nonlinear optimization, in particular single- and multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and gradient-based methods.
The most recent version of Shark can be downloaded from here.
Video lecture
Tobias Glasmachers' 2008 NIPS open source software workshop
video lecture on Shark.
Paper describing the library
Go to
nnratio for a
nearest neighbor density ratio estimator implemented in Python.
Paper describing the package
Maximum Likelihood Model Selection for SVMs
Adapting the hyperparameters of support vector machines (SVMs) is a challenging model selection problem, especially when flexible kernels are to be adapted and data are scarce. We present a coherent framework for regularized model selection of 1-norm soft margin SVMs for binary classification. We propose to use gradient-ascent on a likelihood function of the hyperparameters. The likelihood function is based on logistic regression for robustly estimating the class conditional probabilities and can be computed efficiently. Overfitting is an important issue in SVM model selection and can be addressed in our framework by incorporating suitable prior distributions over the hyperparameters.
Source code
example code for Shark version 2.
Paper describing the algorithm
Tobias Glasmachers and Christian Igel.
Maximum Likelihood Model Selection for 1-Norm Soft Margin SVMs with Multiple Parameters.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence 32(8), pp. 1522-1528, 2010
Training of Large-scale SVMs
![[feasible region of optimization problem]](images/jmlr05-215-fig4.jpg)
Support vector machines are trained by solving constrained quadratic
optimization problems.
This is usually done with an iterative decomposition algorithm
operating on a small working set of variables in every iteration.
The training time strongly depends on the selection of these
variables. We propose the maximum-gain working set selection
algorithm for large scale quadratic programming. It is based on the
idea to greedily maximize the progress in each single iteration. The
algorithm takes second order information from cached kernel matrix
entries into account. We proved the convergence to an optimal
solution of a variant termed hybrid maximum-gain working set
selection. This method has been empirically compared to the prominent
most violating pair selection and the latest algorithm using second
order information. For large training sets our new selection scheme
is significantly faster.
Source code
Hybrid Maximum Gain working set
selection algorithm implemented into
LIBSVM 2.71.
It is also implemented in the
machine learning library.
Supplementary material
This program checks all 2,834,352 cases considered for the proof of Lemma 8. However, in the meantime
Tobias Glasmachers found a much more elegant proof:
Tobias Glasmachers. On Related Violating Pairs for Working Set Selection in SMO Algorithms. In M. Verleysen, ed.:
16th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2008). Evere, Belgien: d-side publications, 2008
Paper describing the algorithm
Online and Active Learning for SVMs
Iterative learning algorithms that approximate the solution of support
vector machines (SVMs) have two potential advantages. First, they
allow for online and active learning. Second, for large datasets
computing the exact SVM solution may be too time consuming and an
efficient approximation can be preferable. The powerful LASVM
proposed by A. Bordes, S. Ertekin, J. Weston, and L. Bottou
iteratively approaches the exact SVM solution using sequential
minimal optimization (SMO). It allows for efficient online and
active learning. This algorithm can be considerably improved in
speed and accuracy by replacing the working set selection in the SMO
steps. We incorporated a second order working set selection strategy, which greedily
aims at maximizing the progress in each single step.
Supplementary material
The official LASVM website can found
here. The modified
LASVM source code implementing our working set selection strategy
can be downloaded
Tobias Glasmachers and Christian Igel.
Second Order SMO Improves SVM Online and Active Learning.
Neural Computation 20(2), pp. 374–382, 2008
Gradient-based Optimization of Kernel-Target Alignment
for Sequence Kernels Applied to Bacterial Gene Start
Detection: Sequence Data
Extracting protein-encoding sequences from nucleotide sequences is an important task in bioinformatics. This requires to detect locations at which coding
regions start. These locations are called translation initiation sites (TIS).
The TIS2007 data is a reliable data set designed to evaluate machine learning algorithms for automatic TIS detection. It is based on E. coli genes from the
EcoGene database. Only entries with biochemically verified N-terminus were considered. The neighboring nucleotides were looked up in the GenBank file
U00096.gbk . From the 732 positive examples associated negative examples were created. For the negative examples, sequences centered around a potential
start codon were considered and accepted them if the codon is in-frame with one of the real start sites used as a positive case, its distance from a real
TIS is less than 80 nucleotides, and no in-frame stop codon occurs in between. This data selection generates a difficult benchmark because the negative TISs
in the data set are both in-frame with and in the neighborhood of the real
TIS. Finally a set of 1248 negative examples was obtained. The length of each
sequence is 50 nucleotides, with 32 located upstream and 18 downstream including the start codon.
To minimize sampling effects, 50 different partitionings of the data into training and test sets were generated. Each training set contains 400 sequences
plus the associated negatives, the corresponding test set 332 sequences plus the associated negatives. Each line in a data file starts with the label, 1 or
-1 for positive and negative examples, respectively, followed by the nucleotide sequence as ASCII string.
Source code
Gradient-based optimization of the kernel-target alignment
is available as a standard SVM model selection method in the
For an implementation of various oligo kernel functions for the Shark library
Supplementary material
All 50 data partitionings in training and test set.
The covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) is one
of the most powerful evolutionary algorithms for real-valued
optimization. We propose the an elitist version of this algorithm.
For step size adaption, the algorithms used an improved 1/5-th success rule, which
replaces the cumulative path length control in the standard CMA-ES.
We developed an incremental Cholesky update for the covariance matrix
replacing the computational demanding and numerically involved
decomposition of the covariance matrix. This rank-one update can
replace the decomposition only for the update without evolution
path and reduces the computational effort by a factor of ,
where is the problem dimension. The resulting
-Cholesky-CMA-ES is an elegant algorithm and the perhaps
simplest evolution strategy with covariance matrix and step size
Source code
There are an example program
for the
-CMA-ES in the
Papers describing the algorithm
Nikolaus Hansen, and Christian Igel.
Efficient Covariance Matrix Update for Variable Metric Evolution
Machine Learning 75, pp. 167-197,
Covariance Matrix Adaptation for Multi-objective Optimization
The covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) is one
of the most powerful evolutionary algorithms for real-valued
single-objective optimization. We developed a variant of the
CMA-ES for multi-objective optimization.
In the new multi-objective CMA-ES (MO-CMA-ES) a population of
individuals that adapt their search strategy as in the elitist
CMA-ES is maintained. These are subject to multi-objective
selection. The selection is based on non-dominated sorting using
either the crowding-distance or the contributing hypervolume as
second sorting criterion.
The MO-CMA-ES inherits important invariance properties, in
particular invariance under rotation of the search
space, from the original CMA-ES.
Source code
The MO-CMA-ES is part of the
library. There is a tutorial and an example program that can serve
as starting points for using the MO-CMA-ES.
Papers describing the algorithm
Christian Igel,
Nikolaus Hansen, and Stefan
Roth. Covariance Matrix Adaptation for Multi-objective
Evolutionary Computation 15(1), pp. 1-28, 2007
Rprop with Improved Weight-Backtracking
![[Rprop Scheme]](images/rprop.png)
The Rprop (Resilient Backpropagation) algorithm proposed by Riedmiller and Braun is one of the best performing
first-order learning methods. We introduce slight modifications of
the algorithm that further improve its robustness and learning speed.
We suggest to use weight-backtracking for highly non-linear
optimization problems. Weight-backtracking means partially retracting
unfavorable previous update steps. Whether a
parameter change was
unfavorable or not is decided by a heuristic. We propose an improved
weight-backtracking heuristic considering both
the evolution of the partial derivatives and the value of the objective function.
Source code
The Rprop algorithms are implemented in the
library, which comes with several examples using the Rprop for optimization.
Martin Riedmiller. Advanced supervised learning in multilayer perceptrons-from
backpropagation to adaptive learning techniques. International Journal of Computer Standards
and Interfaces 16(3), pp. 265-278, 1994.
Martin Riedmiller, Heinreich Braun. A direct adaptive method for faster
backpropagation learning: the RPROP algorithm. In: Proceedings of the
International Conference on Neural Networks, pp.
586-591, IEEE Press, 1993
German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) is a multi-class image classification benchmark in the domain of advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving.
It was first published at IJCNN 2011.
Official data archive
The offical archive can be found
Data in different format
Because the data is a bit difficult to read in and process, I have put
an archive online with a simple directory structure and the final training
and test
images in PNG
format, which can be easily processed by popular deep learning
Let me know if there is something wrong with this archive. Click
Johannes Stallkamp, Marc Schlipsing, Jan Salmen, and Christian Igel.
The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark: A Multi-class
Classification Competition.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN
2011), pp. 1453-1460, IEEE Press, 2011
German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark
Data from the German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark (GTSDB). This archive contains the data used in the IJCNN 2013 competition.
Official data archive
The offical archive for the detection benchmark be found